Capture Light in Your Winter Watercolour
An ONLINE streamable video watercolour demonstration with Gord Jones, CSPWC

Video available from October 4 to October 31, 2021
Watch this watercolour video demonstration at your convenience anytime between October 4 and October 31.
CSPWC Members $10, Non-members $12
Register here:
Winter snow scenes offer tremendous possibilities to showcase the transparent qualities of the watercolour medium. Having a ringside seat, you will see how Gord takes a winter photo through a 5-min value sketch to a finished painting, all within an hour. He will show you how to make the snow glow with the kind of luminosity that can’t be shown in any other medium, as well as how to keep your snow shadows transparent with both warm and cool blues.

A Winter’s Tale, watercolour demonstration by Gord Jones, CSPWC
Watch as Gord makes this painting, and absorb the skills to make beautiful winterscapes of your own.
Once you have purchased your ticket you will receive a confirmation email. On October 3, registered ticket-holders will receive an email containing the link to access the video on Vimeo.
Please note the video will only be accessible using the password and only between the dates of October 4 and 31, 2021. You may watch the video as many times as you wish in that time period. It is not available for download, streaming only.
For questions about this event, or if you are a CSWPC member and have not received the promo code to apply for the discount, please email
Ticket cost for Gord’s video: CSPWC Members $10, non-members $12
To get the most from watching the demonstration:
Gord’s reference image and materials list will be supplied to registered ticket-holders. Viewers who wish to paint along with the video may certainly do so, as the video can be paused in replay at any point. Painters who do paint along or paint from Gord’s reference are encouraged to post their work on our CSPWC Workshop Facebook Group for support and encouragement from other participants.

About Gord Jones
Gord is an elected member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour (CSPWC), and the Society of Canadian Artists (SCA). Gord has been drawing and painting for over 35 years and after experimenting with many different mediums such as oils, acrylics, even egg tempera, he always returned to his greatest love – transparent watercolour.
His approach is to interpret the essence of his chosen subject rather than produce a detailed likeness. He wants the viewer to enjoy the luminosity of the medium, the white of the paper shining through, and the impression of the landscape with a simplicity of washes and bold strokes.
Gord is also a member of the ECOAA, IWS, Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society, Haliburton Arts Council, and The Rail’s End Gallery in Haliburton. He participates in the Haliburton Studio Tour and select exhibitions throughout Canada and the US.
Gord is a certified Adult Educator and teaches watercolour painting in his studio, online, and at The Haliburton School of Art & Design.
See more samples of Gord Jones’ winter landscapes: