An ONLINE watercolour workshop with Ron Hazell, CSPWC
January 23, 2021, 11 am – 1 pm EST
January 30, 2021, 11 am – 1 pm EST
This workshop will be offered via Zoom

As with any painting subject, the first challenge is to simplify. This is especially important when
painting streetscapes. The details of buildings, vehicles, people, lampposts and street signage can feel overwhelming.
In the first session, Ron will illustrate how he reduces a streetscape to four basic shapes. He will demonstrate painting a streetscape with simple single-point perspective. He will demystify linear and atmospheric perspective. Composition and center of interest will be emphasized.
The second session will address two-point perspective, and include a two-point perspective streetscape demo. Students will see how to place people and vehicles in the streetscape and how scale and proportion play a major role. The powerful use of light and perspective of shadows will also be covered in both sessions.
Students will have the opportunity to paint along with Ron, and to ask questions during the demo using the “Chat” feature on Zoom. Students who would like feedback on their completed exercises from the workshop may email a photo of their work to Ron for his review.
This video offers a brief description of what will be covered in the workshop:
About Ron:
Ron Hazell is an elected member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour (CSPWC) as well as the Society of Canadian Artists (SCA). His work is held in the permanent collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia as well as the Royal Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. He is the author of the North Light Art Book “The Artist’s Guide to Painting Water in Watercolor”
Equipment needed for the workshop:
You can download the materials list here.
To take part in the Zoom class, you’ll need a microphone and camera-enabled computer OR an iPad/smart tablet OR a smart phone (Android or iOS) PLUS a robust internet connection.
You’ll also need to download Zoom on your device (free version of Zoom is fine). Please update your Zoom to the latest version.
Questions about the workshop? Ask Ron at