Membership Fees are half our regular fee for any member with more than 35 years with CSPWC.
The total of $62.50 is due each January.
Click the button below to pay by credit card through PayPal.
If you prefer to mail a cheque to our office, please print and fill in the form here: DUES RENEWAL FORM and mail it with your cheque, payable to CSPWC, for $62.50 to:
CSPWC, 80 Birmingham St. #B3, Etobicoke ON M8V 3W6
Should you wish to make a donation to CSPWC please use this button and select the amount you wish to donate. As we are a registered charity, you will receive a recipe from the office by email.
Details to donate by mail: Send your cheque to CSPWC, 80 Birmingham St. B3, Etobicoke ON M8V 3W6 Payable to CSPWC.
Thank you.