This summer kicked off what we hope will become an annual tradition, a series of watercolour socials held across the country. Each region put their own spin on the event, and here is a summary of the events. If you attended one of these events, thanks very much for coming! If you missed us this time around, we hope this report will inspire you to attend our next event!
These events were organized by our Regional Directors, and a huge thank you goes to each of them for their work on these events and for representing their region throughout the year on the CSPWC Board. Numerous volunteers also helped to bring these events about and the CSPWC is grateful for the help of all our volunteers!
Now, on to the regional reports:
Hydrostone Park, Halifax, NS, July 27, 24
Submitted by Gary McFarland, Atlantic Regional Director
The Halifax watercolour social was held at Hydrostone Park, a small green space in an historic part of North End Halifax. The original date of July 6 was postponed on account of significant rain.
Several painters brought their paint kits and sketched at the park.
The event was well attended, with a crowd of over 30 attending to watch a watercolour demonstration by CSPWC Life Member Ron Hazell. Several CSPWC members and associates came out to sketch, paint and socialize with old friends. The very public venue was very inviting to many who took the time to have some cake, a glass of lemonade and see what watercolour was all about. We had 25 people complete prize ballots and share their emails to be included on our updates for 2025.
There was cake and refreshments. Even more popular than the cake was the “Try-It” table. This station was supplied with watercolours for the public to experience watercolour painting.
This event was organized by Regional Director Gary McFarland, his partner Nancy Myatt, past Regional-Director Ron Hazell. Volunteers helped make the event a success including Doug & Sharon Leahy, Pat Johnson, Jennet Bowdridge .
Quebec Region, Stewart Hall, Pointe-Claire, PQ, July 7, 2024
Submitted by Shari Blaukopf, Quebec Regional Director
Sunday, July 7 was a perfect day for the CSPWC/SCPA plein air painting day at Stewart Hall in Pointe Claire, and we had an amazing turnout of artists for the event. I had no idea how many people would join us, but sketchers just kept arriving with their stools and their sketchbooks, including several from out of town. I can’t believe that I managed to get a sketch completed because there were so many friends (including lots from Urban Sketchers Montreal) who came out to draw, and there was much catching up to do.
What fun it was to see my good friend (and CSPWC member) Marc Taro Holmes again. As we have done for many years, Marc and I sit together to draw but we talk the whole way through and catch up on what each of us has been doing for the past year.
At the end of the event we all gathered for a photo and to show our work. The drawings were spectacular and I hope to make this an annual event. Thanks so much to EVERYONE who came out. You made my week!! And thanks to Stewart Hall for welcoming us!!
Southern Ontario Region, Ingersoll Creative Arts Center, Ingersoll, ON, July 4, 2024
Submitted by Anita Wood, Southern Ontario Regional Director
The Southern Ontario division met at the Ingersoll Creative Arts Center (ICAC).
We were met by very friendly staff who warmly welcomed our group. We were treated to Coffee, Tea and Lemonade along with the use of the Studio and the beautiful outdoor gardens for Plein Air.
Official time was 11:00am – 2:00pm. Most stayed until 3pm as the day wasn’t long enough.
Hilda Markson Gray offered to guide Plein Air painters and I stayed indoors. This was also the day for the ICAC Painters group for a day of painting. Hilda and I decided we had between 20 – 30 visitors that came for the social.
A wonderful idea and so much appreciated to bring us together, nothing like spending time with artists.
Goulais River, Algoma County, ON, July 13, 2024
Submitted by Linda Finn, Northern Ontario Regional Director
On the hottest day of the summer, 6 adventuresome artists met at Cheryl Thomas’s studio/home on the Goulais River, north of Sault Ste Marie for the CSPWC Paintout event on July 13th. Despite the 30°+ heat, everyone worked outside for the day, only coming into Cheryl’s air-conditioned home for a delicious lunch, including local sausages cooked to perfection on the BBQ by Phil, Cheryl’s partner. Two CSPWC associates that were from Thunder Bay and Hearst were not able to make it at the last minute for the Paintout…hopefully next time round!
Cheryl had organized the day perfectly, with special areas set up in her beautiful gardens for inspiration, even to setting up still life arrangements around the yard with small images of the Group of Seven for inspiration. Phil took all of the artists out to the beach on Lake Superior on his pontoon boat where there were lots of opportunities to take in the scenery and snap reference photos. One artist, Julia Lewis braved the heat to paint, draw, and collect beach finds. When the heat proved to be overwhelming, she waded into the big lake and cooled herself off until Phil came back to pick her up!
Information about the CSPWC was shared with guests, and the gift of Legion paper was the added bonus. Although we were hoping for a much larger turnout, it was a successful day, with new friends made, ideas shared and of course, lots of conversation about art.
Across the Prairies, Throughout the Summer of 2024
Submitted by David Harrison, Prairies Regional Director
Logistically, a Watercolour Social spread over the three prairie provinces proved problematic, so unlike other regions, a different solution was required. CSPWC prairie region members were invited to step out into their communities, at some time during the summer, to meet their neighbours by holding individual socials on their driveways, in their apartment lobbies or at their front doors, to engage people in talking about watercolour painting. SeveraI members took the opportunity!
Kilby Historic Village, Harrison Hot Springs, BC, July 7, 2024
Submitted by Wayne Bissky, Regional Director for British Columbia and the North
We had 20 people in total on a beautiful, albeit quite hot day. They came from all over the lower mainland which was quite impressive given that Kilby is about 1.5 hours from Vancouver . There were numerous members but also a good number of people who were not . Unfortunately I did not I think to gather everyone for a photo of everyone who attended. Everyone seemed to have a great time with the highlight was Sam Boehner giving an award to Alice .
If you have read this far, well done! Thanks for being interested in our summer watercolour socials. Stay tuned for announcements in the spring about next year’s summer events. If you are an Elected Member or Associate and would like to host or facilitate a summer watercolour social in your area, please reach out to your Regional Director.